This 5-piece set of Land Rover models presents the perfect opportunity to obtain all in one go those you may have missed when they appeared singly. The set comprises:
76FRE001 Land Rover Freelander in Firenze Red.
Registered SG13 SVN, the model was the first off the new tool and a replica of the 2013 specification Land Rover Freelander 2 SD4 HSE, a high performance two or four wheel drive car which Land Rover have given the star treatment with HSE luxury saloon levels of trim and accessories. Our model comes with black chassis, silver wheels and matt black interior.
76LAN2002 Land Rover Series II Station Wagon in Bronze Green.
When released, this model was one of several body style variations planned from the newly tooled Series II Land Rover and this livery was the second off the new tool. In bronze green with cream roof and registered AEW 426A, it features the longer wheelbase, four doors, side and rear windows and the spare wheel across the rear doors.
76LRDF002 Land Rover Defender 90 Station Wagon - Tamar Blue.
Decorated in a dark Tamar Blue with pale grey roof, our Land Rover Defender was the second release on the newly tooled model based on Land Rover's 2013 specification, with a registration plate OV13 VXR. This legendary utility vehicle in the simple but striking colour scheme, features all other detail in black, relieved only by the white wheel inserts. A final authentic detail includes the spare wheel positioned across the rear door.
76DIS001 Land Rover Discovery 4 - Ipanema Sand
New 2014 Oxford tooling brought the latest Land Rover Discovery to the 1:76 series of four-wheel drive vehicles with the first release of new 2013 specification SDV6-HSE vehicle. It is decorated in metallic Ipanema Sand with black chassis, the colour scheme includes matt black interior with ivory seats. Registered SD13 GZZ, the new non-mechanical features of the real thing are faithfully replicated. The detailed radiator grille is masked silver, as are the wheels while all remaining masking is in matt black.
76LAN180001 Land Rover 80 inches - Sage Green
Decorated in a pale sage green with cream 'canvas' effect back. the model carries the same registration as its larger counterpart - HUE 166. The interior is pale grey and the wheel hubs reflect the main body colour.
Dimensions and Weights
Packed: 22.7cm x 9.2cm x 4.9cm ( L x W x H )
Unpacked: 6.3cm x 2.9cm x 2.5cm ( L x W x H )
Excludes shipping cartonScale
1:76 scale means that this is 76 times smaller than the full sized vehicle(s)
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